Aktuelle Bonus % Cashbackaktionen Stand März 2023

Hier findest du aktuelle Bonus & Cashbackaktionen von P2P Plattformen zum aktuellen Stand. Den Bonus erhältst du nur wenn du über den Link auf die entsprechende Seite gehst.

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NameInvestor BonusProvision für den Werbenden?
Bondora5 €ja
BondsterEach investor registered through the affiliate link will receive 1% from the increase of the volume of investments held by the investor within the first 90 days since registration.
The bonus for the investor will be calculated and paid out after 30, 60 and 90 days. The bonus shall not be paid out in case there is no increase in the volume of investments held by the investor.
Crowdpear+0,5% welcome bonus to Crowdpear investorsja
Debitum NetworkA bonus of 25 EUR for the registered users will apply if the newly registered user will deposit and invest at least 1000 EUR in asset-backed securities with a term of at least 90 days. This has to happen in the first 60 days from registration.ja
EsketitInvestors that have registered through affiliates have 0.5% cashback during the first 90 days.
EstateGuruinvestor gets 0,5% added to their account for all Investments made in the first three monthja
GoParity10€ bonus for new registrationsja
Heavy FinanceInvestors who register through the affiliate link receive 2% cashback on their invested amount for the first 30 days.ja
Hive5Currently no bonus available for Hive5ja
Income MarketplaceCurrently no bonus available for Income Marketplaceja
Kviku FInanceThe investors can get EUR 20 bonus for the first investment.ja
LandeAttracted investors receive 1% cashback from their invested amount during the first 180 days.
Landex.aiCurrently no bonus for Landex.aija
Lendermarketreceives a 1% bonus of the Net Deposited Funds during the first 60 daysja
Monefit SmartSafer2% cashback for the user based on the net deposits made in the first 60 days.ja
Reinvest24Currently no bonus available for Reinvest24ja
RoboCashCurrently no bonus available for Robo.Cashja
SwaperCurrently no bonus available for Swaperja
ViainvestCurrently no bonus available for Viainvestja

Alle Bonusangaben recherchiert bei Circlewise.io Affiliate Marketing! Ich als Werbender erhalte in der Regel auch einen Bonus

6 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Meine Investmentreise – p2p-risiko-management.de
  2. Strategiebesprechung Part 1 – p2p-risiko-management.de
  3. Strategiebesprechung Part 3 -Nach welchen Kriterien wähle ich eine Plattform – p2p-risiko-management.de
  4. Nützliche Ressourcen für P2P- Einsteiger – p2p-risiko-management.de
  5. Meine P2P Ziele 2021 – p2p-risiko-management.de
  6. P2P Plattform Rating – p2p-risiko-management.de


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